Agile PMI ACP® Exam Preparation Course (ENG/HUN)

Agile PMI ACP® Exam Preparation Course (ENG/HUN)

What we offer

We keep all our trainings both on-site or interactive on-line form.

The Agile Project Management method responds very effectively to the challenges of the current age project management. The PMI ACP (Agile Certified Practitioner)® certification means an agile project manager certified by the most prestigious international organization. PMI exams are known to be very difficult and require thorough preparation: openness, work experience and responsiveness. The PMI ACP® certification is one of PMI®’s fastest growing certifications.

The PMI ACP® exam requirements include 21 hours of certified instruction – our training course also meets this requirement in a form that PMI can audit. The theoretical material of the examination is fully covered, with type questions, attitudes and exam tips. We make dry theoretical material easy to understand with real case studies.

With PMI-ACP®, you become an internationally recognized, experienced expert in the application of agile trends, which can be used on a wide spectrum of projects, building on case studies.

Why is this exam preparation training useful?

The PMI ACP certification can demonstrate the latest project management skills and knowledge in response to the most urgent questions.

  • It helps to increase the professional versatility of project managers
  • It helps to navigate through a variety of agile methods and prepares

for projects following several methodologies (e.g. Scrum, Kanban, XP, FDD, Crystal, DSDM, Lean)

  • It not only prepares for IT and software development approach but also includes agile leadership, agile organizational culture

Three-half-day training will review and organize this wide and growing area based on the PMI exam requirements to establish the successful completion of the exam. Test questions and sample exams also help to prepare For successful training.

Who do we recommend it to?

For practitioners, skilled project managers, managers who want to take the ACP exam



Experienced object mangers, who would like to get the ACP certification
Duration  21 hours (21 PDU)
Presentation, case studies, common problem resolution, practical examples, consultation regarding test resolution
Price* 195 000 Ft + VAT
Discounted price 175 500 Ft + VAT
  • 2024.10.14

Start date if the minimum required number of people applied for the course.
The first date of the training is fix, however the further occasions will be discussed with the participants.

*The price of the training does not include the exam fee.
**Specific start time based on applicants’ needs.
The advertised training will be launched when 6 people apply.


Profexec certificate 

About the trainer 

Kornél Nagy

MBA, PMP, PMI-ACP, SPC, Agile Coach, Tréner

Oktatónk 2008-ban lett projektvezető, telekommunikációs, energiaipari és szoftverfejlesztési területeken dolgozott. 2013-ban PMP©, 2015-ben MSP, 2017-ben pedig PMI-ACP© képesítést szerzett. Szerkesztője volt a PMI Agile Practice Guide magyar fordításának, több éve tart prediktív és adaptív projektvezetési képzéseket Magyarországon és külföldön egyaránt, magyar és angol nyelven. Az elmúlt években magyar vállalatok agilis transzformációjának támogatásában is részt vett tanácsadóként. Azon kevés magyarországi trénerek egyike, akik SAFe oktatási licence-szel rendelkeznek. LinkedIn profil: itt.

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