Agile Leadership Training (HUN)

Agile Leadership Training (HUN)

We keep all our trainings both on-site or interactive on-line form.

You like the Agile approach, but you don’t know it in depth enough to make a decision about its introduction? Your company has already decided to roll it out, but would you need support at management level to address the initial challenges? You’re in the right place.

In interactive, practice-oriented training, teamwork and simulation exercises, participants can learn the basics of agile thinking from a managerial perspective: what Agility means for leaders, what agile methods and frameworks exist, what roles and planning are required in the event of Agile operation, what are the expected results. Participants will also have the opportunity to develop the most important skills necessary for Agile operation.

The experience of trainers during several years of Agile introductions and in companies that already use Agile operations guarantees that the training focuses on practical, real-life solutions and helps to avoid typical pitfalls.

Participants can learn the basics of Agile thinking from a managerial point of view through interactive, practice-oriented education, group work and simulation exercises.

What does Agility mean for leaders?
What Agile methods and frameworks exist,
What roles and planning are required for Agile operation,
What are the expected results.

Participants will also have the opportunity to develop the key skills needed to operate Agile during this 2-day on-site or 6 half-day online training.

Who do we recommend it to?

For experienced leaders



Those with managerial experience
Duration  On-site 2 x 8 hours, online 4 x 4 hours
Theroretical presentation, practical interactiv workshop, example projects
Price* HUF 190.000 + VAT
Discounted price HUF 171.000 + VAT
  • 2024.09.25

Start date if the minimum required number of people applied for the course.
The first date of the training is fix, however the further occasions will be discussed with the participants.

*The price of the training does not include the exam fee.
**Specific start time based on applicants’ needs.
The advertised training will be launched when 6 people apply.


Profexec certificate 

About the trainer 

Nándor Kemény

Certified Scrum Professional®-ScrumMaster, PMP®, tréner, coach, agilis projektvezetési szakértő, fejlesztő tanácsadó

Több, mint 20 év hazai és nemzetközi tapasztalattal. Dolgoztam külföldön és itthon is,  multinacionális nagyvállalatoknál és családias jellegű beszállítóknál is.

A Lean-Agile értékek lelkes képviselője és hírvivője vagyok; született szolgáló-vezető és tréner.

Személyes küldetésem, hogy szervezetek vezetőinek és csapatainak segítsek bizalomra alapuló, motiváló, örömteli – ezáltal kiemelkedően eredményes – munkahelyek kialakításában, organikus és Lean-Agile alapelvek mentén.

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