Agile Foundations training (HUN)

Agile Foundations training (HUN)

What we offer

Knowing the Agile mindset is essential for project managers and stakeholders who work in an Agile environment.

During the hands-on training, we provide participants with a comprehensive understanding and a solid foundation about the agile mindset and how the Scrum framework works. We also provide insight into important details of the hybrid approach, which combines waterfall and agile methodologies.

Similar to our other trainings, in addition to the theoretical background, we show the Agile basics and various Agile trends through practical examples and case studies.

Who do we recommend it to?

For project managers and leaders, project team members interested in agile way of working:
  • Who work in an organisation that runs agile projects
  • Who want to understand the values of agility and take into account its values to make project or organisational decisions
  • Who are about to lead agile or hybrid projects




Project managers and managers:

  • Working in an organization where management is expected to move in an agile direction
  • Who want to work as project managers in a software development environment and want to ensure the effectiveness of the development methods
  • Who manage a team of 10-15 developers and directly responsible for team productivity
  • Who want to understand the values of agility and to take project or organizational decisions, considering its values
Duration  16 hours
Form  Presentations, case studies, best practices, common problem solving, example projects, project simulation
Price* HUF 180 000 + VAT
Discounted price HUF 162 000 + VAT
  • 2024.09.30

Start date if the minimum required number of people applied for the course.
The first date of the training is fix, however the further occasions will be discussed with the participants.

*The price of the training does not include the exam fee.
**Specific start time based on applicants’ needs.
The advertised training will be launched when 6 people apply.


Profexec certificate 

About the trainer 

Nándor Kemény

Certified Scrum Professional®-ScrumMaster, PMP®, tréner, coach, agilis projektvezetési szakértő, fejlesztő tanácsadó

Több, mint 20 év hazai és nemzetközi tapasztalattal. Dolgoztam külföldön és itthon is,  multinacionális nagyvállalatoknál és családias jellegű beszállítóknál is.

A Lean-Agile értékek lelkes képviselője és hírvivője vagyok; született szolgáló-vezető és tréner.

Személyes küldetésem, hogy szervezetek vezetőinek és csapatainak segítsek bizalomra alapuló, motiváló, örömteli – ezáltal kiemelkedően eredményes – munkahelyek kialakításában, organikus és Lean-Agile alapelvek mentén.

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