Advanced Scrum Master Coaching (HUN)

Advanced Scrum Master Coaching (HUN)

Amit kínálunk

We keep all our trainings both on-site or interactive on-line form.

Deep water to get into the daily lives of an organization, a team, as a Scrum Master? Want customized help for challenging situations? Would it be helpful if you could see what’s happening from other perspectives? Do you want to grow consciously at a good pace?

As in the case of climbing a mountain peak, in a challenging profession, at any time, the situation may be more difficult compared to our current knowledge and possibilities than we could solve well alone. Recognizing when we need outside help is already half victory. Depending on your individual situation and needs, mentoring or coaching not only helps you deal with difficult situations, but also allows you to achieve peak performance.

Who do we recommend it to?

For scrum masters

Which one should I choose?

Mentoring process:

Coach process:

Mentoring includes coach elements, but there is no mentoring in the coach process.


By arrangement


Scrum Masters
Duration  According to demand and agreement
Theroretical presentation, practical interactiv workshop, example projects + individual discussions
Price* By arrangement
Discounted price

Date tailored to your individual needs - contact us for an offer

*The price of the training does not include the exam fee.
**Specific start time based on applicants’ needs.
The advertised training will be launched when 6 people apply.


Profexec certificate 

About the trainer 

Nándor Kemény

Certified Scrum Professional®-ScrumMaster, PMP®, tréner, coach, agilis projektvezetési szakértő, fejlesztő tanácsadó

Több, mint 20 év hazai és nemzetközi tapasztalattal. Dolgoztam külföldön és itthon is,  multinacionális nagyvállalatoknál és családias jellegű beszállítóknál is.

A Lean-Agile értékek lelkes képviselője és hírvivője vagyok; született szolgáló-vezető és tréner.

Személyes küldetésem, hogy szervezetek vezetőinek és csapatainak segítsek bizalomra alapuló, motiváló, örömteli – ezáltal kiemelkedően eredményes – munkahelyek kialakításában, organikus és Lean-Agile alapelvek mentén.

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